On the Saturday afternoon, I went to a great seminar at the Glynmill Inn in Corner Brook. Before I went, I picked up a Tim Horton's coffee - large with one milk and one sugar. There were smart people at this seminar, and they were talking about some very interesting things...but the room was very quiet, and I didn't want to roll up my rim and disturb the proceedings. So I laid my unrolled coffee cup under my chair.
After the seminar, I got up from my chair, left the hotel, and got into my car. As I was driving away, it hit me that I had left my unrolled coffee cup on the floor. Knowing that this would play on my mind for the rest of the weekend, I drove back to the hotel, and went upstairs to the conference room. Despite my obviously obsessive behavior, the seminar organizers had already cleaned the room and thrown my coffee cup away. I searched the garbage cans, but to no avail.
Now, I don't believe in Karma and all that stuff... but isn't it odd that since then, I haven't won a thing, despite my at-least-one-coffee-a-day habit. Is God teaching me a lesson? Did that coffee cup have a winning tab? Might I have won a car, or a laptop? Am I just searching for some meaning as to why I haven't won a stinking thing during this whole Roll Up The Rim To Win campaign? I'll never know...
Please...learn from my mistakes. Roll your rims.
Anyway...here's my life in a nutshell:

I also have a post called 10 Things That Tim Horon's Taught Me, that I may post in the near future, along with some video from the Corner Brook Concerts.
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